John S. McCain III
National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution

Training - Step 1 of 4: Register Students

Collaboration with Native Nations and Tribal Consultation (January 22 - January 29, 2025)

Our payment methods have changed. Registrations for a single participant can only be paid for by credit card. Inter-Agency Agreements can be used by agencies for multiple registrations with a cumulative cost of $15,000 or more (for a single course or for multiple courses). SF-182s cannot be used as a form of payment. Please read the descriptions of our payment options:

  • Credit Card: Training registrations must be done by the individual who will pay by credit card, and payment must be submitted in the same online session as training enrollments. Third party payers can add multiple students to a class in one session, and submit one payment for the group.

  • Inter-Agency Agreement: Please contact for instructions before enrolling for training. Once an Inter-Agency Agreement has been established, a coupon code will be given to the agency/organization involved to use like a debit card against the agreement. Once funds in the agreement have been exhausted, payment by other payment methods will be required.