John S. McCain III
National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution

Areas of Expertise - Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes

Our oceans, coasts, and Great Lakes are home to thriving and interconnected communities of aquatic and human life. They provide us with sustenance, livelihoods, transportation, opportunities for recreation, relaxation, and spiritual connection, and increasingly, energy to power our homes and businesses. Yet many changes are occurring that threaten the health of human and aquatic communities alike, such as warming oceans and rising waters, the spread of aquatic invasive species, and increasing—and at times conflicting—human activities. At the same time, responsibility for the stewardship and management of our waters and coastal areas crosses multiple borders, falling to numerous Local, State, Tribal, and National Governments, which may have diverging mandates, priorities, and values regarding the management of those resources.

The National Center can help those with very different perspectives bridge communication divides, building a better understanding of each other’s needs and identifying ways those needs may be reconciled. We navigate complex decision-making processes to design clear and comprehensive plans leading to well-informed decisions and durable outcomes. We consider the many different groups and communities who will be affected by decisions on aquatic and coastal resources, including those who may have been historically excluded, and develop ways to include their voices in the shaping of those decisions.

Our collaboration and conflict resolution services can provide value in the following areas:

  • National Environmental Policy Act processes.
  • Management of marine protected species and areas.
  • Fisheries management.
  • Aquatic invasive species.
  • Offshore energy development.
  • Aquaculture development.
  • Ecosystem restoration.
  • Climate resilience and responding to sea level rise.
  • Marine planning and reconciling competing uses.
  • Submerged cultural resource and heritage sites.
  • Tribal engagement in decision-making on ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes issues.
  • Working with Tribes on underwater/coastal resource data collection and management.
  • Training in stakeholder engagement, Tribal engagement, Government-to-Government Consultation, and collaboration and conflict resolution.

Click here to view and download the Oceans, Coasts, and Great Lakes flyer.

Area of Expertise Contact

Dana Goodson
(202) 253-1602