John S. McCain III
National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution

Training Program

Our training curriculum is grounded in the National Center’s more than 20+ years of experience in collaboration and consensus-building work on a wide range of environmental, natural resources, and public lands issues.

The National Center’s training courses provide participants with essential negotiation and conflict management skills as well as opportunities to practice collaboration and conflict resolution skills in the context of environmental and public policy issues. Our trainings teach practical strategies to resolve a wide variety of contentious issues and emphasize collaborative problem-solving processes that create opportunities for dialogue, mutual understanding, and respect in environmental conflicts. This approach builds long-term relationships and produces enduring and creative results to settle even the most intractable problems.

The skills that I learned in this course will be of significant use to me in my job. They will help me improve facilitated settlements of cases that I am involved with and will better position me to effectively deal with persons and/or organizations that have seemingly immovable positions/views.

- NCECR Training participant

Our training program takes a "learning by doing" approach, providing practical, hands-on opportunities to practice new skills that simulate real-life situations. Our trainers are experienced professional facilitators and mediators and bring extensive applied experience to the trainings. Our trainings helps participants:

  • Develop essential skills to manage the complexities of multi-party conflict.
  • Practice effective communication and collaboration skills to build long-term relationships.
  • Develop the capacity to design and implement effective and inclusive collaborative problem-solving processes.

There are no prerequisites for our trainings, and professionals from all fields are welcome to join! Click here to see available courses and register now!

When engaging a diverse group of stakeholders to move forward a contentious issue, I feel more prepared to effectively listen, communicate and move the process forward.

- NCECR Training participant

Group Training

Our training courses can be offered on-site at a location of your choice to provide you and your group with opportunities for skill building in environmental collaboration and conflict resolution.

Click here for information regarding on-site group trainings for your agency or organization.

The trainers knew a lot about [our organization] already. We didn’t have to go back to basics and spend time on education. It was great to jump in and not slow down.

- NCECR Group Training participant

Earn your Certificate in Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution (ECCR)

The Udall Foundation offers a Certificate in Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution for professionals in government, nonprofits, or the private sector who would like to broaden their communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills. The Certificate in ECCR demonstrates an understanding of:

  • Principles of Interest-based Negotiation in mltiparty settings.
  • Situational assessment and determining "ripeness" for collaboration or conflict resolution.
  • Process design for effective and inclusive collaboration and conflict resolution in the environmental and public policy arenas.
  • Collaboration with Native Nations and Tribal Consultation.
  • Collaboration in the context of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

To earn the Certificate in ECCR, candidates must complete five courses within a five-year period.

I so often go to short courses without concrete tools to take away. Here, we developed and practiced concrete tools that will be invaluable going forward as a mentor, mentee, professor, learner, researcher and constituent. Thank you!

- Certificate in ECCR candidate

Click here to learn more about the Certificate in Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution.

For questions about our open trainings, certificate programs, and registration, please contact:

Training Program Analyst

For questions about on-site group trainings for your organization, please contact:

Training Program Manager

Melanie Knapp
(520) 359-3457