John S. McCain III
National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution

Areas of Expertise - Freshwater

Freshwater is a vital and limited resource providing safe drinking water, biodiversity and ecosystem services, recreational and cultural value, fisheries, navigation, and energy supply to communities across the country. At the same time, many areas of the United States are facing increased drought due to climate change and increased conflict between water users within freshwater systems. Water systems are further challenged as communities work to manage development and water pollution risks to protect public health and address environmental justice concerns.

As a transboundary natural resource with many potential uses, watershed-based conflicts frequently require meaningful collaboration among a diverse range of stakeholders. Often these processes also require support to navigate complex scientific data with community members and water users to inform a transparent process and a sustainable outcome. National Center staff can provide collaboration, facilitation, and mediation support, among other services, across a range of complex, multiparty challenges that require substantive, technical, and process expertise.

Our collaboration and conflict resolution services can provide value in the following areas:

  • Watershed management planning.
  • Drought management planning.
  • Clean Water Act and National Environmental Policy Act implementation.
  • Safe drinking water.
  • Wetlands management.
  • Hazardous waste and Superfund issues.
  • Fishery management.
  • Outdoor recreation and access.
  • Ecosystem restoration.
  • Climate change impacts.
  • Flood management planning.
  • Invasive species management.
  • Training in stakeholder engagement, Tribal engagement, Government-to-Government Consultation, and collaboration and conflict resolution.

Click here to view and download the Freshwater flyer.

Area of Expertise Contact

Lauren Nutter
(202) 774-4400