John S. McCain III
National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution
ECR in the Federal Government
In 1998, Congress amended the Udall Foundation’s enabling legislation to establish the John S. McCain III National Center
for Environmental Conflict Resolution (National Center or NCECR) as part of the Foundation to assist the federal government in implementing section
101 of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4331) by providing assessment, mediation, and other
related services to resolve environmental disputes involving agencies and instrumentalities of the United States.
“With the magnitude of environmental challenges facing the nation, coupled with
the need for careful stewardship of tax dollars and budgets, all Federal departments
and agencies should leverage environmental collaboration and conflict management
approaches to minimize and resolve environmental conflicts.” -
Executive Office of the President – Office of Management and Budget and Council
on Environmental Quality – 2012 Memorandum
of Environmental Collaboration and Conflict
The National Center's Role
The National Center helps federal agencies and their partners address environmental
issues, disputes, or conflicts through programs that provide facilitation, collaboration,
and conflict resolution activities and services. Examples include