About us

Open Government

The Open Government Directive, issued by the Office of Management and Budget in 2009, directed all executive branch departments and agencies to take specific actions to achieve transparency, including the publication of information online.

The Udall Foundation embraces the values of transparency, participation, and collaboration as it works to implement its mission. In addition to the data on this page, information about the Udall Foundation’s work is available throughout the website.

Freedom of Information Act
The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) encourages Government accountability through transparency. It provides that any person has a right to obtain access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions of them) are protected from public disclosure by one of nine exemptions or by one of three special law enforcement record exclusions.

The Udall Foundation’s FOIA regulations can be found on our FOIA page, where you can submit a request for documents under FOIA.

Inspector General
The Inspector General at the U.S. Department of the Interior is assigned to the Udall Foundation to provide independent oversight of the Udall Foundation’s programs and operations by performing audits, investigations, evaluations, inspections, and other reviews. >MORE

Provide feedback or report waste, fraud, and abuse
Contact Gwendolyn Franks, General Counsel.

Reasonable Accommodation Policy

Data Governance Board (DGB)

DGB Members

Sara Moeller, Administrative Officer – Chairperson

  • Alicia Harris, Director, Education Programs – Member
  • Brian Manwaring, Director, National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution – Member
  • David Brown, Executive Director – Member
  • Gwendolyn Franks, General Counsel – Member
  • Myles P. Sharp, Chief Financial Officer – Member
  • Stephanie Kavanaugh, Deputy Director, National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution – Member

DGB Documents

Data Sources

Udall Scholars by Name, School, and State of Legal Residence
Udall Congressional Interns by Name, Tribe, and School
Udall Ph.D. Dissertation Fellows by Name and School
NCECR Case Study Briefings