Stewart L. Udall Parks in Focus® Program

What is Parks in Focus® – Our Team

Nicole Boisson

Trip Leader

Nicole (she/her/ella) was born and raised in Tampa, Florida. She recently graduated from the University of Central Florida (UCF) with dual degrees in environmental studies and political science. She is passionate about conservation and promoting creativity within outdoor spaces. During her time at UCF, she led students on a variety of adventure trips including camping, backpacking, paddling, and surfing. She was also a coordinator for the UCF’s Arboretum where she gained extensive knowledge on flora and fauna that she is eager to share with others. She is excited to work with youth and share her interest in the world around us. She looks forward to growing in her photography skills and teaching youth how to capture breathtaking images. When Nicole is not on a trip, she enjoys birdwatching, rock climbing, and spending time with friends and family.