John S. McCain III
National Center for Environmental Conflict Resolution
Basic Principles for Agency Engagement in Environmental Collaboration and Conflict
2012 Memorandum on Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution, Attachment
B - Office of Management and Budget and President's Council on Environmental Quality.
Informed Commitment
Confirm willingness and availability of appropriate agency leadership and staff
at all levels to commit to principles of engagement; ensure commitment to participate
in good faith with open mindset to new perspectives.
Balanced, Voluntary Representation
Ensure balanced inclusion of affected/concerned interests; all parties should be
willing and able to participate and select their own representatives.
Group Autonomy
Engage with all participants in developing and governing process; including choice
of consensus-based decision rules; seek assistance as needed from impartial facilitator/mediator
selected by and accountable to all parties.
Informed Process
Seek agreement on how to share, test and apply relevant information (scientific,
cultural, technical, etc.) among participants; ensure relevant information is accessible
and understandable by all participants.
Participate in the process directly, fully, and in good faith; be accountable to
all participants, as well as agency representatives and the public.
Ensure all participants and public are fully informed in a timely manner of the
purpose and objectives of process; communicate agency authorities, requirements
and constraints; uphold confidentiality rules and agreements as required for particular
Ensure timely decisions and outcomes.
Ensure decisions are implementable consistent with federal law and policy; parties
should commit to identify roles and responsibilities necessary to implement agreement;
parties should agree in advance on the consequences of a party being unable to provide
necessary resources or implement agreement; ensure parties will take steps to implement
and obtain resources necessary to agreement.